Compare Survey Companies and Incentives by Age Groups:

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Available for ages:
  Payment per survey Minimum Payout Ave. Survey Length Referral Bonus Other Bonuses
RewardsCentral's Logo $ 2 $ 5 5-20 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
Valued Opinions's Logo $2-$5 $20 15-20 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
Toluna's Logo $0,50-$5 $10 15-20 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
LifePoints's Logo $0,50-$5 $5 5-20 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
Vivatic's Logo $0,50-$2 $25 5-15 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
Your Voice (SSI)'s Logo $0,50-$1 $5 10-15 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
  Payment per survey Minimum Payout Ave. Survey Length Referral Bonus Other Bonuses
RewardsCentral's Logo $ 2 $ 5 5-20 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
Toluna's Logo $0,50-$5 $10 15-20 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
LifePoints's Logo $0,50-$5 $5 5-20 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
Vivatic's Logo $0,50-$2 $25 5-15 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
  Payment per survey Minimum Payout Ave. Survey Length Referral Bonus Other Bonuses
Valued Opinions's Logo $2-$5 $20 15-20 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
Toluna's Logo $0,50-$5 $10 15-20 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
LifePoints's Logo $0,50-$5 $5 5-20 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
Vivatic's Logo $0,50-$2 $25 5-15 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
Your Voice (SSI)'s Logo $0,50-$1 $5 10-15 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
  Payment per survey Minimum Payout Ave. Survey Length Referral Bonus Other Bonuses
RewardsCentral's Logo $ 2 $ 5 5-20 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
Valued Opinions's Logo $2-$5 $20 15-20 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
Toluna's Logo $0,50-$5 $10 15-20 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
LifePoints's Logo $0,50-$5 $5 5-20 min Hover for more info Hover for more info
Your Voice (SSI)'s Logo $0,50-$1 $5 10-15 min Hover for more info Hover for more info

You can earn money for giving your opinion!

SurveyCompare finds the best market research companies and makes it easy for you to sign up to one or all of them. It’s free to use – at no point will you pay a single penny.

How it works

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How does it work?

How It Works

Major businesses wish to understand what opinions their consumers hold about their services and products. In order to get this information they hire companies to do surveys where people just like you are asked to share your opinions and thoughts by taking these surveys.

To show their appreciation for doing them this service, they are willing to give you rewards of gift cards, cash, free products and other prizes. This is not a get rich quick scheme, but it can earn you some nice pocket money to help out!

SurveyCompare is a company that continuously looks for the most trusted and rewarding online survey companies and gives you the opportunity to join up with every one of them in one easy step! You will find that there are no catches whatsoever, and the very best part is that it is 100% free!

How do I get started?

It is fast and easy to join! All you have to do is click “Sign Up FREE Today” above, and choose from the available companies on our list. Once you fill out the last registration page you are all set to start making money and earning rewards!

You will regularly receive emails inviting you to take surveys so do as many as you can and check your inbox often. If you join multiple survey companies you will have more chances to earn!

You will now be receiving regular survey invites straight to your e-mail inbox. Take part in as many surveys as you choose to, and get rewarded for each one!

How many surveys will I be asked to complete?

How much money/rewards you will earn depends on how many survey companies you have signed up to work with and how much time you dedicate to doing the surveys. To maximise your rewards, it is our advice that you sign up with every company we have listed.

Do I have to pay anything?

We will never charge you to use SurveyCompare and the survey companies will not charge you either. The companies doing the market research want you to take the surveys and give you rewards for you participation, not charge you for anything!

Any site that wants to charge you for doing surveys should be avoided. We give you this opportunity for free because we are supported by the market research companies and other donations.

Is this all online?

Yes, this is all online, and all the surveys you will be asked to complete will be online from your computer.

How much can I earn?

How much you earn will depend on how many companies you choose to sign up to and how much time you want to spend taking surveys. If you want to maximise your earnings, we advise that you sign up to as many survey panels as you can.

You can earn up to 5 AUD for each survey you complete. You can earn even more for special surveys. Other companies reward you with points that you can trade in for products or cash, gift vouchers and sweepstakes entries. Click the link that says “get started now” to compare each company and what they offer.

We like to make it clear to our users that this is not a way to get rich. We strongly suggest that you do not sign up for any sites that claim that you will make a great deal of money by taking their surveys.

How will I be paid?

Cash-paying Survey Companies normally pay you via PayPal. PayPal is an online account that allows you to easily and safely receive money electronically, and is free to set up. Gift certificates and vouchers will usually be sent by email.

Is this a scam?

No, this is not a scam. We are a real company based in North London and we provide a valuable and well-established service that connects survey takers with legitimate Survey Companies. Neither us nor the Survey Companies will ever ask you for any money. You are in control at all times, and you are under no obligation.

How does SurveyCompare make money?

This website is supported by the market research companies that we recommend as well as donations. Together these enable us to provide an excellent, free, no-obligation service at no cost to you.

Are my details safe?

Yes, your details are safe. Your details will not be given to 3rd parties without your consent. Your details will only be held by us and any Survey Company that you choose to sign up with. You are free to unsubscribe from survey invites from any of these companies at any time. All Survey Companies we work with are large, highly reputable market research organisations.

Is there a contract?

No. There are no contracts that tie you in. You are under no obligation with any of the Survey Companies that we introduce you to and you can stop participating at any time. You can easily unsubscribe from survey invites by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link which you will find at the bottom of the email invites you receive.

How old do I have to be?

If you are 16 or above, you can join any of the paid survey panels on offer. However some companies have a minimum age as low as 13 or 14 – you can find out which ones when you are choosing the survey companies.

What if I have other questions?

We are more than happy to answer any other questions you may have, or hear your feedback or suggestions about our website. Just send us an email to and we'll be happy to help!

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If you do have questions or concerns you can always contact us for more information on

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